“I will never be as confident in my avalanche skills as I was when I was in my early 20s,” Bruce Tremper says with a short chuckle and teeth-showing grin. Tremper has held the position as the Utah Avalanche Center Director since 1986 and is the author of Staying Alive in Avalanche Terrain and Avalanche Essentials. In this video, he admits that overconfidence and ego played strong roles in decision making in his earlier days, and motivated him to get too close to dangerous terrain he wouldn’t descend today. Looking back, Tremper explains how he learned about avalanche safety starting at age 10 from his dad, but it wasn’t until seeing “so many things go down that are really ugly [that] it really drives [avalanche danger] home.”
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I agree with the statement that there are many who just want to post there videos of the big jump. My buddy Roy referees to it as “look at the look at me” generation. We travel the backcountry for two reasons, peace and quiet, no expensive lift tickets. Like Bruce, I go very conservative on slopes, risking less and less as the years go by.