Photo of the Day: Keep Calm and Skin On

Getting there is half the battle. And half the beauty. Skiers: Aksel Lund Svindal and Kristian Kjelman | Lyngen Alps, Norway | Photo: Mattias Fredriksson

Photo of the Day: No Time for Turns

When there’s no time for turns, sometimes you’ve just have to point it. Skier: Dana Flahr | Knik River bc, Alaska | Photo: Adam Clark

Photo of the Day: By Jasper Gibson

Tim Black | Mount Baker bc, Washington | Photo: Jasper Gibson

Photo of the Day: Shredding Away

Just shredding away the powder day…. Rider: Kyle Miller | Wasatch Mountains, Utah | Photo: Jim Harris

Photo of the Day: Dream Days

Japan: it’s what backcountry dreams are made of. Taro Tamai | Niseko backcountry, Hokkaido, Japan | Photo: Ryan Creary

Photo of the Day: Divinity in the Air

To air is human, to forgive is divine. Skier: Sheldon Steckman | Mt. Baker bc, Washington | Photo: Grant Gunderson

Photo of the Day: Gasping for Air

With powdermouth, your body is likely numb due to the lack of oxygen your brain is receiving. In this case, that’s generally OK. Skier: Seth Cohen | Alta Backcountry, Utah | Photo: Adam Clark

Photo of the Day: The Snow Gods Are Happy

As the first snowstorm continues its way across the middle of America, it’s hard not to believe the Snow Gods are smiling on us. Here’s to praying for a deep winter. Skier: Frank Desrosiers | Monashee Mountains, B.C. | Photo: Bruno Long

Photo of the Day: Fresh Droppings

It never looks that high until you’re standing there, peering over the drop…. Skier: Matt Cote | Kicking Horse Backcountry, British Columbia | Photo: Ryan Creary

Photo of the Day: Skinning the Day Off Right

Before work, some people read the newspaper, some sit in traffic and some salute the rising sun with a morning skin. Skier: Janne Tjärnström | Riksgränsen, Lappland, Sweden | Photo: Mattias Fredriksson
