Tour de Mount Washington

Nobody likes waking up to the sound of a screeching alarm clock, but when conditions are forecasted to be as good as they were last Sunday, I’ll wake up to just about anything.

Howie, Taylor, Road Dust and I met up at Mount Washington’s Cog Railroad parking lot under clear skies, and in warming temperatures we found a small group of fellow comrades strapping on skins, packing away beer, food and other essentials for the long trudge to the Great Gulf. Our efforts to seek out Washington’s corned-up slopes would prove to be a very rewarding endeavor.


Damian Riddle a.k.a. Road Dust hikes along the Cog’s tracks.


To our surprise and moments after we crossed the tracks, the Cog rolled by full of waving tourists.


Taylor VanWinkle nears the top of the Great Gulf.


Adam Howard drops into Airplane finding good corn.


Taylor VanWinkle proving that a season of skiing everyday can really pay off. Good form!


Turn repayment. Hiking back out of Airplane…well worth the sweat.


“We can drop down into Monroe Brook or hike it over to Tuckerman and see if we can get a ride around,” Howie said. We opted for the latter. Conditions in the Ravine, even at 6 p.m., were still prime.


Taylor VanWinkle finding his rhythm high on the snowfield of Tuckerman.


A psyched group of amigos after a killer day touring Mount Washington’s corny slopes.

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