Like gear for any snow condition, there’s beer for every occasion. So this year, we organized our annual beer review by where and when our panel of home brewers, beer aficionados and a certified beer judge would prefer to drink them. The format is simple: Skintrack beers are lower in ABV and sessionable, Parking Lot/Après brews are satisfying anytime, anywhere (but particularly after skiing), and Hut to Hut beers include those special, high-ABV drinks worth a coveted spot in your pack. Then again, no matter where or how you drink these, they’ll taste good.

Left to right: Kulshan Brewing Company Russian Imperial Stout, Lefty’s Brewing Company Big Brekkie Breakfast Stout, Alaskan Brewing Company Hopothermia, Element Brewing Company Red Giant, The Moab Brewery Scotch Ale, The Alchemist Heady Topper, Odell Brewing Company Myrcenary DIPA and Wasatch Brewery The Devastator Double Bock
Alaskan Brewing Company
Juneau, AK | 8.5%
An Editors’ Choice from last year, the Hopothermia returned to rave reviews. “This beer runs a clinic on showcasing the complex flavors of a DIPA,” one tester said. “Gets smoother with each sip,” another mentioned. A third commented on the “rich flavor of big, dry and juicy floral hops.”
+ Big floral aroma and rich hop flavors.
– Not for someone looking for traditional IPA bitterness.
= A smooth, rich hop experience.
The Alchemist
Heady Topper
Waterbury, VT | ABV: 8%
Drinking Heady is like dropping a fresh pillow line, where each hit explodes with pure hop ecstasy, and testers’ comments backed up the hype. “Bottle this up, and I’ll use it as a deodorant and wash my hair with it,” one said.
+ An IPA that rivals those of the West Coast.
– The high ABV can sneak up on you.
= So popular the brewery had to close to the public.
Element Brewing Company
Red Giant
Millers Falls, MA | ABV: 8.1%
With every temperature change and every sip, this complex beer’s shifting flavors made it one of the most intriguing in the test. One tester noted the “floral hops and dark fruity esters that balance well with sweet caramel, toffee and maybe even port.”
+ Like opening a present.
– Too big for day drinking. Best sipped after dinner.
= The alcohol profile was warm and comforting like a down jacket.
Kulshan Brewing Company
Russian Imperial Stout
Bellingham, WA | ABV: 9.9%
At 10 percent ABV, this beer commands respect, just like the mountains. One tester said it smells of “rich molasses, coffee, dark fruits and hot alcohol that burns the hair off the inside of my nose.” Another called it “a filling beer…like a meal.”
+ Strong enough to treat wounds and act as a sedative.
– Testers wanted to tone the smoke down.
= Very smoky but light bodied for 9.9 percent.
Lefty’s Brewing Company
Big Brekkie Breakfast Stout
Deerfield, MA | ABV: 8.5%
Lefty’s Stout is like breakfast…in a bottle. One tester tasted “creamy roasted chocolate, coffee and bacon,” while another mentioned “a maple dryness at the end.” “Many flavors combine well into a easy-drinking yet complex breakfast beer,” a third said.
+ Hides its ABV well.
– Testers wanted a stronger aroma to compliment the complex taste.
= A multifaceted beer with a strangely crushable flavor.
The Moab Brewery
Scotch Ale
Moab, UT | ABV: 8.59%
Moab says they brewed this to pay tribute to the Scots who’ve enjoyed satisfying ales for centuries. Testers drank to that, and one found “spicy and sweet aromas that mix with a whiff of warming alcohol.” Another detected “notes of sweet caramel, cardamom and cloves.”
+ An easy-drinking malt profile that masks its high ABV.
– Some may not appreciate the warm embrace of alcohol on the finish.
= Consider the tribute paid.
Odell Brewing Company
Myrcenary DIPA
Fort Collins, CO | ABV: 9.3%
Odell named this beer after Myrcene, a component of essential oils in the hop flower. “Pineapple and papaya stand out in the hoppy aroma with a smooth caramel malt,” a tester said. Another described it as “hot pineapple upside-down cake…a complex, balanced taste.”
+ Big and warm like a roaring fire.
– You might not be able to move after a few.
= Share with friends when it’s freezing outside.
Wasatch Brewery
The Devastator Double Bock
Park City, UT | ABV: 8%
The Devastator is brewed by Utah’s first brewery, and testers found it a bit unruly. One tasted “pungent sweetness with lingering hotness that settles nicely.” Said another, “Bigger swigs unlock a rich, dark and silky mouthfeel.” Others note a “light alcohol aroma” and “sweet, dark fruit fragrance.”
+ A sweet, strong, dense beer to warm up on a subzero day.
– Getting devastated.
= Lives up to its name.
Related posts:
2015 Beer Test: Editors' Choice
2015 Beer Test: Parking Lot/Après
Behind the Beer: Backcountry’s First-Annual Beer Test
2015 Beer Test: Skintrack Suds