We’d been bushwacking through dense pines for over an hour when we finally reached the snowline. Mt. Lassen loomed thousands of feet above us, patchier than it should have been after a lackluster winter across the West. It was mid-May, and volcano season was upon us. As with any good spring ski mission, it would involve a little bit of everything, smothered with a heavy dose of patience.
Legends of the Fall

It was the time of year when it’s warm in the city and cool in the mountains, when the clear skies and crisp air beckon you to higher altitudes. Outside the city, leaves were painted in sleepy colors in preparation for the slow, fluttering journey to their final resting place. The hills gleamed gold as we […]
Backstory: Legends of the Fall

It was the time of year when it’s warm in the city and cool in the mountains, when the clear skies and crisp air beckon you to higher altitudes. Outside the city, leaves were painted in sleepy colors in preparation for the slow, fluttering journey to their final resting place. The hills gleamed gold as we wound up into them; the car’s thermometer registering lower and lower around each rocky switchback. Summer was fading and was winter still waiting. It was time to hunt down fall turns.