Invernada. It means wintered, as in The Wintered Valley—La Valle Invernada. And in this remote region of the Chilean Cordillera, Fred Marmsater, Donny Roth and I sought winter last September among 12,000-foot volcanoes that dominate the skyline. Here’s a gallery from the trip, and read about the full expedition in the February/March issue feature, “Invernada.”
![Packed and loaded en route to La Valle Invernada in the golf cart-sized Suzuki. “If that side of the car falls off, I’ll try to grab you,” Donny told me while rattling up a dirt access road. [Photo] Fredrik Marmsater](
Packed and loaded en route to La Valle Invernada in the golf cart-sized Suzuki. “If that side of the car falls off, I’ll try to grab you,” Donny told me while rattling up a dirt access road. [Photo] Fredrik Marmsater
![Circling like a condor, Donny Roth takes some of the first turns of the trip. [Photo] Fredrik Marmsater](
Circling like a condor, Donny Roth takes some of the first turns of the trip. [Photo] Fredrik Marmsater
![Donny and me climbing the east face of Cerro Azul (12,428 feet), the crown descent of the expedition. [Photo] Fredrik Marmsater](
Donny and me climbing the east face of Cerro Azul (12,428 feet), the crown descent of the expedition. [Photo] Fredrik Marmsater
![Meandering across a plateau for the river bottom before a big day of exploring. We later skied into the water-filled crater at left. [Photo] Fredrik Marmsater](
Meandering across a plateau for the river bottom before a big day of exploring. We later skied into the water-filled crater at left. [Photo] Fredrik Marmsater

Donny skiing Cerro Fosforito, which we named for the Chilean elder we dined with before and after the expedition. [Photo] Fredrik Marmsater
!["If I wanted black sand, I would have gone to Maui.” Hiking down to Laguna Invernada after a week in the Cordillera. [Photo] Fredrik Marmsater](
“If I wanted black sand, I would have gone to Maui.” Hiking down to Laguna Invernada after a week in the Cordillera. [Photo] Fredrik Marmsater
Donny Roth will be guiding in this region next August. Find out more at Chilean Powder Adventures,
Refugio Tricahue, remote cabañas near Talca, Chile –
Fredrik Marmsater Photography –
i’ve been there, it is an epic place with epic skiing and epic views. nothing prettier than overlooking that big lake from the ‘hornitos’. looking forward to getting back there!