Today, the Backcountry staff is putting the finishing touches on our 100th issue. This afternoon, our team will ship the magazine to the printer, capping off 20 years of Discovering The Snow Beyond, Adventure Beyond Boundaries and The Untracked Experience. And in a couple weeks’ time, the mag will make its way into subscribers’ mailboxes across the country and world.
As the Centennial Issue wraps up, here’s a look back at the very first Editor’s Note, written by then-Publisher David Harrower and Executive Editor Brian Litz. “Back Country magazine is a unique opportunity for building a community of skiers, guides and huts, manufacturers and retailers, writers and photographers who already ventured off the beaten path and those who have yet to enjoy their first tracks,” they wrote. “But most importantly it’s about getting out, cranking turns, making faceplants and having fun….” Some things haven’t changed.
We’re celebrating 20 years of Backcountry Magazine. Can you believe it? Well, since we all can’t put our beers together with celebratory cheer, we’ve unearthed early editions of the mag, dug through them and pulled stories, photos, quotes, gear relics and more for your enjoyment. —The Editors
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