Chill Videos: Because It’s 96 Degrees Outside

The image for today’s forecast is a glowing ball of orange—high 90s with humidity somewhere around 80 percent. The fluorescent lights in my office are off, fans are blasting and my dog is sprawled on the floor in a collapsed heap of fur. Here are just a few videos I’ve been watching to help keep cool.
There’s something chilling about slow-mo, black-and-white ski footage. That, and being buried to your neck in cold smoke.

Deep Pow Edit from Powderwh on Youtube.

The sound of crashing waves is one way to mentally cool off. Play that behind some Japan powder footage, and you might as well have your head in the freezer.

Sweetgrass Productions January Teaser from Sweetgrassp on Youtube.

I can relate to this guy. And regardless of how hot it is where you are, I’d imagine you’re dreaming of the same thing he is.

DPS Dreamtime 2013: Visions of Cold Smoke from DPS SKIS on Vimeo.

They don’t call themselves the Powderwhores for nothing. This was their breakout pow segment and it’s oh so cold.

Powder Segment from Powderwhore’s 2007 Release from Powderwh on Youtube.

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