Video: Glen Plake’s Chamonix

“Chamonix has a reputation worldwide as one of the greatest ski towns on earth; a lot of serious skiing, serious climbing, just big and dangerous and cool,” says Tom Runcie of Crested Butte, Colo. Along with CJ Carter, of Bozeman, Mont., Runcie headed to the French Alps two seasons back to ski alongside Glen Plake as part of a contest thrown by Julbo. And following the trip, Julbo produced this short film about their week chasing the legend around his grand stomping grounds. “He has something to say about every peak, and it’s really neat to experience that and have him as a guide,” Runcie says. For his part, Carter calls it “kind of surreal.”

Glen Plake’s Chamonix from Backcountry Magazine on Vimeo.

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  1. Greg Reynolds says

    LOVE Glen Plake. He represents all that is good and real about skiing. He’s not afraid to voice his opinion that many of us share about the direction that skiing is taking i.e ski “resorts” versus ski areas. That’s why so many are turning to the back country. Long may you run Glen!

  2. katie losr says

    i hate glen

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