Testers’ Choice: Dynastar Cham 107 W’s

Becca Friedlander [Photo] Alden Pellett

Becca Friedlander [Photo] Alden Pellett

Becca Friedlander
5’4”, 125 lbs.
Big Sky, MT

Becca started her ski-testing career back in 2003 when the Gear Test Week lodging was at an Alpaca Farm in Vermont. She has met Glen Plake twice, drank tea at Warren Miller’s house and winked at Scot Schmidt. Her pick of the test? The Dynastar Cham 107 W’s.

Overall Score: 9/10
Best Speed: Slow to Fast
Responsiveness: 8/10
Playfulness: 8/10
Dampness: 7/10

Turn Performance
Short Turns: 9/10
Medium Turns: 9/10
Long Turns: 9/10
Turn Initiation: /10

Crud Performance: 8/10
Powder Performance: 10/10
Hard-Snow Performance: 7/10

COMMENTS: “This AT setup will make any converted freeheeler want to lock in again. What a ride! I had an intimate moment with these skis! Like change your underwear intimate. They have the perfect combination of sidecut, construction and flat tail that really allows you to dictate the size and speed of your turn while feeling in total control.”

SIZES (cm): 157, 166, 175, 184
DIMENSIONS (mm): 137/107/122
WEIGHT/PAIR: 9 lbs. 2 oz. (184)


Dyanstar Cham 107 W's

Dyanstar Cham 107 W’s


  1. Should call those the CHAM-WOW lol

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