White, Hinchcliffe and Soderquist claim first descent of the north face off Capitol Peak

Colter Hinchcliffe carves down the north face of Capitol Peak (14,130 ft.) in Colorado’s Elk Mountains. [Photo] Jordan White
Forgotten Avalanche Explosives Trigger Bomb Scare

A member of the Unified Fire Authority bomb squad investigates a suspected explosive device found on Monday, June 8. [Photo] Courtesy The Salt Lake Tribune
Utah Avalanche Center Publishes Annual Report
ALTA, UTAH. This past Tuesday, the Utah Avalanche Center published its 2015 Annual Report, which offers a comprehensive overview of the 2014-2015 season including avalanche incidents and accidents, information about where to access snow reports and information about avalanche education opportunities. According to Bruce Tremper, director of the Forest Service Utah Avalanche Center, Alta saw record high temperatures for the season, and record low snowfall for the year, with only 267.5 inches accumulating between November 1st and April 30th. “But the good news,” wrote Tremper on the Utah Avalanche Center’s blog, “Utah had only one fatality instead of the average of four. We had 116 unintentional, human triggered avalanches reported to us, 26 people caught in avalanches and 3 injured. Nationally avalanche deaths were down as well with 11, well under the average of close to 30.” Read the Utah Avalanche Center’s 2015 Annual Report here.Avalanche Rabbit Goes Viral

Professional snowboarder, David Carrier Porcheron, escapes a slide while filming in Kamchatka, Russia, just as the infamous rabbit dives in [Photo] Courtesy Daily Mail
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