A Goal of Zero: The Avalanche Industry Looks To Change

Turning to a Swedish law that’s reduced automobile fatalities, the avalanche industry looks to change backcountry safety.

Changing the Snowboard Landscape: Jeremy Jones’s ‘Higher’ and bc riding

Over the last 25 years, Jeremy Jones has snowboarded everywhere from Vermont to Alaska. He was once a pioneer of big-mountain freeriding and has become a pioneer of human-powered riding. In 2007, he founded Protect Our Winters, an organization aimed at stopping climate change and three years later, he launched his groundbreaking film, Deeper. This month, he’ll release Higher, the final chapter in the three-part series. This won’t mark the end of exploration for Jones, though, “We have our hands full right now getting Higher out the door,” he says, “but there’s a lot I want to do, exactly how I want to document that, I don’t know.”

BC Banter: Auclair Fund, VT Backcountry Forum, Deer Valley Buys Solitude, Drone Fines

This Week in the News: Alpine Initiatives launches Auclair Fund, VT Backcountry Alliance announces second-annual forum, Deer Valley buys Solitude and National Park Service fines drone users.

Ahead of the Curve: Two Decades of Backcountry Skiing Innovation

Twenty years ago, Larry Coats noted that the day had come when there was no longer a distinction between Nordic and Alpine skiing. And over the two decades since, a whole lot has happened with backcountry gear, from the boom and bust of telemark equipment to the splitboard explosion. Here’s how it all went down, as pulled from our pages.

Biff America: On Life in the ’70s

Jeffery Bergeron, under the alias of Biff America, is a monthly columnist for BCM. Biff provides anecdotes about some of our favorite things: beer, sex and skiing.

Land of the Rising Skintrack

Editor Tyler Cohen takes a look inside Japan’s ascent to backcountry-skiing prominence.

Pure: Sandra Lahnsteier and the Women of Skiing

There’s a move afoot in skiing and riding, and it’s driven by ladies. Women have always punctuated the narrative of backcountry skiing, but their supporting role in the barrage of slow-mo ski porn dominating the ski film industry has more than a few ladies fed up. Sandra Lahnsteiner is one of them.

Remembering Liz, Andreas & JP, Pretty Faces World Premiere, Backcountry’s 100th Issue

Remembering Liz, Andreas & JP, ‘Pretty Faces’ world premiere kicks of in Boulder, Colo. and Backcountry ships the 100th Issue.

Remembering Liz Daley: 1985-2014

To capture the essence of Liz Daley, the first thing that comes to mind for many of us is her incredibly brilliant and heart-warming smile. Out of all the beautiful and unique things she provided this world, the most precious are the tenderness and feelings of serenity that her presence provided each and every one us. I’ve heard so many people describe how deeply she touched and inspired them even if they had only met once. This fact, and the deep and unbreakable bonds she has developed with her friends and loved ones is a testament to her truly remarkable ability to spread love on this planet and share her incredible passion for life and the mountains. She was a true Angel.

Throwback Thursday: 100 Issues and Counting

Today, the Backcountry staff is putting the finishing touches on our 100th issue. This afternoon, our team will ship the magazine to the printer, capping off 20 years of Discovering The Snow Beyond, Adventure Beyond Boundaries, and The Untracked Experience. And in a couple weeks’ time, the mag will make its way into subscribers’ mailboxes across the country and world.
