Summer Stashes: Colorado’s North Maroon and Maroon Peaks

By now most skiers have accepted summer’s arrival in all its warmth and glory. But while some may be hanging up their gear for the season, high in the mountains remain a few dedicated souls who are still chasing turns. This summer, we will talk with a few of these die-hards about their favorite “summer stashes” that take them to the hills while they wait for the next snowfall.

Building Blocks: VT Tech gets students excited about applied sciences through ski and snowboard building

Vermont Technical College in Randolph Center, Vt. may sit among farm fields, but it is a hub of learning for students looking to gain skills in the applied sciences such as Mechanical Engineering, Entrepreneurship and Business Technology and Management. Recently VT Tech acquired a ski and snowboard press and is incorporating ski and snowboard building into the applied learning process for students interested in engineering, along with members of the campus Ski and Snowboard Club.

Blurred Borders: For resorts with inbounds avy terrain and lift-accessible backcountry, managing boundaries is tricky

This week, the Colorado Supreme Court ruled that under the Colorado Ski Safety Act’s parameters, ski resorts are not liable for injuries or death caused by inbounds avalanches.

Back on Course: Despite a funding hurdle, Vermont’s Mount Ascutney is successfully conserved

In May 2015, we covered the resurrection of Vermont’s Mount Ascutney Resort, which had previously closed in 2010, in “Ascutney Ascension.” The article touches on efforts of the Trust for Public Land (TPL) and the local Brownsville and West Windsor Communities to breathe life back into a much beloved, defunct community ski area.

2016 Beer Guide: Beer Gear

In the final week of the 2016 Beer Guide review, we are taking a look at some tailgate-worthy gear to keep après ski drinks cold and bubbly. When burying beers in snowbanks isn’t an option, these three selects might set you up for a good session of parking lot bartending.

Child’s Play: Kid’s AT gear is here, but will Daddy kick down?

Parents have been cobbling together kid’s touring rigs for years. A quick and incomplete modern history of kid’s backcountry gear would certainly start with three-pin bindings, cross-country boots and double-camber skis.

Unlock the Gates: Mountain passes open for the summer

As the snow recedes, mountain roads start to open for the summer months. This week, mountain passes from the Rockies to the Cascades unlock their winter gates for summer traffic. And while this may limit backcountry skiing accessibility, mountain biking and hiking enthusiasts take to the hills.

2Point5Mil: Balance

Having the physical ability to ski 10,000 feet per day for several months straight is not the real challenge—the greatest hurdle is ensuring my nutrition is good, creating enough time to socialize so I don’t lose my mind, staying healthy, staying in touch with friends and family and everything else that isn’t skiing but is critical to success.

Unpaving the way: the Tahoe Backcountry Alliance makes headway in their first season

It has now been a full winter season since we spoke with Rich Meyer about the Tahoe Backcountry Alliance, so we caught up with him to find out how projects have progressed over the past few months and what the TBA has planned for the summer.

2016 Beer Guide: The Northeast

In this week’s installment of our 2016 Beer Guide, we look to the Northeast, where winters are harsh, but beers are smooth and refined.
