“Take it anywhere and be prepared to be satisfied, but not ecstatic.” The Tech: $900 for a split, pucks, skins and hardware? Bob Barker might as well be whispering seductively in your ear. The Marauder follows a simple, proven formula: a blunt, elongated nose tapering to a squat, square tail, plus a camber-dominant profile and […]
Salomon Shift MNC 13 & Atomic Shift MNC 13 Bindings
“These are the most shreddable touring bindings of all time,” As with Marker’s Kingpin, the Shift’s backend is comprised of an alpine-like heel, inspired by Salomon and Atomic’s STH platform but with a single heel riser (and no flat tour mode). The intrigue lies in the toe, which deploys pin-equipped wings for tech-binding-style climbing—read: unencumbered […]
Julbo Cyrius Goggles
“I love the style of these goggles,” The Tech: Julbo’s new Cyrius goggle debuts a frameless style featuring a cylindrical lens, which curves horizontally and runs flat from top to bottom. The shape is intended for a modern look and wide-open field of vision that’s made crisp and clear by Julbo’s best-in-class photochromic Zebra lenses. […]
Black Diamond Equipment Vision Down Parka
“The insulation makes it a luxury layer for alpine touring in colder climates, like Wyoming and Montana, and it doubles as a very comfortable frontcountry jacket.” The Tech: Black Diamond’s Vision is as tough as it is soft, thanks to an innovative fabric comprised of liquid-crystal polymer—the same durable material used in BD’s climbing harnesses—designed […]
Fischer Hannibal 106 Skis
A ski good enough to pass even a guide’s level of scrutiny? Fischer seems to have done it with their new Hannibal 106. “I wasn’t expecting much from these, but whoa!” said one Jackson-based ski guide and tester. “Light, yet incredibly drivable and pretty darn stable in that cruddy, variable stuff.” That stability comes from […]
Dalbello Lupo Pro HD Boots
“Some people might not like taking the tongue out to tour, but once you do, you’ll see the light—amazing range of motion,” The Tech: New this year, the Lupo Pro HD—sporting Dalbello’s cabrio design—strives to improve on downhill chargeability with a lower polyurethane raceboot shell and a carbon-infused polyamide rear cuff designed for more lightweight […]
Dynafit Mercury Pro Pants
“great for skinning with buckles fully open.” The Tech: The Mercury Pro pants are designed to be as smooth as their elemental name implies. The softshell bottoms are comprised of stretchy nylon, and if the weather turns, a wind- and DWR treatment is intended to bead away moisture and chill. The Talk: While Dynafit’s sizing […]
Meier Prospector 106 Skis
“Great float for a 106, stable and refuses to deflect at speed despite its light nature,” The Tech: Eco consciousness lies at the heart of Meier Skis’ mission, and the Prospector 106 is no exception. Literally at its core: 100-percent Colorado-sourced aspen and beetle-kill pine that Meier chose for its playfulness on the descent. They […]
Mountain Hardwear Kor Strata Jacket
“The two different materials are put in all the right places; the jacket breathes incredibly well and is comfortable, worn as a midlayer or stand alone on cold days moving uphill.” The Tech: The Kor Strata, new this year, is designed for go-to emergency warmth, boasting hyper-stuffable PrimaLoft Gold insulation combined with a Pertex Quantum […]
Black Diamond Equipment Helio Recon 88 Skis
“Predictable, stable, fast, fun and capable.” The Tech: Black Diamond introduces three new Recon skis this year, a price-point line to replace the Route series that mirrors the Helio models with slightly weightier constructions—fiberglass-enhanced poplar rather than carbon-enhanced balsa/flax. That layup translated to a dampened, more stable ride that shone best in the 88-mm width […]