With 14 years under its belt, the Winter Wildlands Alliance’s Backcountry Film Festival is a mainstay of the fall movie premier circuit. A mid-November premier in Boise, Idaho kicks off an international tour of the 90-minute show. And Backcountry Film Festival Manager Melinda Quick is excited about the potential reach of this year’s show, as she hopes to plan stops for for Europe, Australia and South America in addition to Canada and the U.S.
The Winter Wildlands Alliance releases trailer for the Backcountry Film Festival’s 14th year
Fruits of the Sea
A Return to Jumbo: Glacier Resorts Ltd. goes to court in an attempt to re-open development opportunities

On June 25, the developers of a proposed ski resort on the Jumbo Glacier in British Columbia’s East Kootenay Mountains were back in court after a three-year hiatus. Their goal: to resurrect the ski area project thought to be dead in the water, dubbed Jumbo Glacier Resort, spearheaded by Glacier Resorts Ltd., CBC reported Monday.
Skintrack Sketches: Lori LaBissoniere finds her inspiration in the Pacific Northwest’s remote landscapes

For painter Lori LaBissoniere, her artwork and environmental ethos go hand in hand. Through her work on reclaimed wood, she depicts the remote landscapes of the Pacific Northwest that she loves and her feelings about environmental degradation that are threatening her places of inspiration. We spoke to Labissoniere to learn more about her medium of […]
Skintrack Sketches: Artist Dawn Gerety paints her love of Alaska and the Chugach Mountains

rtist Dawn Gerety, 48, was raised in Girdwood, Alaska and has always found inspiration in the peaks of the Chugach Mountains. Her biking, skiing and paddling pursuits instilled in her a desire to capture her passion for her natural and social communities.
Probing for data: How a new backcountry citizen science effort is growing the snow-depth database

Data collection for scientific research can be a tedious task at times, especially when it comes to building a database of snow depth data. But a group of scientists based out of Oregon State University, the University of Washington and University of Alaska have joined forces to create a new method for gathering crowd-sourced snow depth data and are developing an army of backcountry skiing citizen scientists to help out.
Gearbox: Three avalanche airbags shrink systems to increase space
Skintrack Sketches: Artist Nikki Frumkin blurs the lines of art and adventure

Seattle-based artist Nikki Frumkin likes to do her work on the go. Her penchant for adventure takes her on multi-day forays into the backcountry in both winter and summer, with a piece of paper and a small watercolor set as her only tools of the trade.
Remembering John Galvin: Three Mountain Rescue-Aspen members look back on their time with fellow MRA rescuer

Galvin, 57, was no stranger to avalanche safety and backcountry travel, and while the incident that occurred on that April afternoon ended in tragedy, his fellow Mountain Rescue-Aspen members remember the legacy of successful rescues, compassion, dogged determination and a passion for the backcountry that Galvin left behind.
Der Lange Weg: How seven ski mountaineers race 2,000 kilometers through the Alps

On March 17, a team of seven athletes from around the globe set off to recreate a traverse in the European Alps from Vienna, Austria to Nice, France—an expedition first completed in 1971 by Austrian mountaineers Robert Kittl, Klaus Hoi, Hansjörg Farbmacher and Hans Mariacher.