In ski mountaineering racing, or skimo as it’s known, the days are long and the pants are tight…very tight. Combine these details with skinny skis and uphill slogs, and skimo isn’t exactly America’s most popular sport. But in Crested Butte, that’s not the case.
The Coolest Place for Skimo: Crested Butte leads North America’s uphill scene
BC Banter: Colorado Mountain College Hosts Climate Change Talk, Avalanche Fatality in Snowbasin bc, Backcountry Basecamp Kick Off

Colorado Mountain College hosts Climate Change Presentation BRECKINRIDGE, COLO. National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR) Oceanographer Laura Landrum will speak today, March 6, at Colorado Mountain College about her research and its impact on global and mountain climates. Landrum, who grew up alpine racing at Loveland Ski Area and taught tele, alpine and backcountry skiing in Washington, […]
Snow Stability and Climate Change: One researcher weighs in

No matter what your stodgy uncle says, climate change is happening and, by many accounts, it’s poised to mess with our winters. “People have done studies looking at Colorado, the Wasatch here in Utah, Pacific Coast Ranges, and across the board we’re looking at, by the end of the century, 3-5° Celsius in warming,” says Matt Jeglum, a PhD candidate studying atmospheric sciences at the University of Utah. “That’s big.”
BC Banter: IFSA Athlete Education, Adirondack Backcountry Ski Festival Registration, Jackson’s Goodwin Cabin, Epic TV Releases Haute Route Video

IFSA and SASS Global Travel Launch Athlete Education Initiative CRYSTAL MOUNTAIN, WASH. The International Freeskiers and Snowboarders Association (IFSA) is partnering with Surf and Snow Sessions (SASS) Global Travel to promote backcountry decision making and avy awareness. At select 2015 IFSA National events, SASS Global Travel, in affiliation with BCA and Project Zero, will be […]
Basecamp: Four Centuries of Safety Gear

Backcountry safety gear has come a long way in the last two decades, never mind since the 1600s. Even so, gear is still no substitute for education, yet it’s always worth looking at how far the sport has come. Here’s a look at some relics that have shaped the last few centuries of backcountry safety.
BC Banter: Winter Wildlands Alliance Conference, “Working for the Weekend,” Vertfest heads to Snow King, Cambridge, Mass. Avalanche

Winter Wildlands Alliance Announces Grassroots Advocacy Conference BOISE, IDAHO As of January 2015, a new federal regulation, the Over-Snow Vehicle Rule, is protecting National Forest powder stashes. Now, National Forest Units that receive regular snowfall are mandated to create winter travel management plans that include specific trails and areas for snowmobile use to conserve areas […]
Mountain Drones: In Vail and Telluride, Avalanches Could Soon be Drone-Controlled

For photographers and production companies, drones have become a standard in the backcountry for capturing aerial angles without the high expenses of helicopters. But now, Mountain Drones, a Vail-based start-up company, is taking drones one step farther. The company, which started with a group of friends concerned about avy safety, is planning to use drones […]
Book Beta: Andy Sovick on his guidebooks, Project Zero and protecting local spots

Andy Sovick, Colorado native and owner of the guidebook company Off-Piste Ski Atlas LLC, has produced two books since 2013, “The Essential Guidebook for Backcountry Skiing: Crested Butte” and the same titled book for Silverton. In his books, he’s careful to strike the balance between helping skiers explore the backcountry and spilling local secrets. “Instead of talking about keeping places a secret, we should be talking about how to keep everyone traveling well, smart and safe,” Sovick says. “It’s only going to get more crowded, whether or not there’s guidebooks.”
Upstaging Coachella: Mayor Steve Skadron Plans Aspen Uphill Festival

Aspen, despite its Gucci shops, is still holding on to its mountain town roots. Part of that effort is thanks to the work of Mayor Steve Skadron, who this year, is introducing Aspen’s first uphill-themed festival. The event, which will take place February 27 and 28 around the town’s popular Power of Four Skimo Race, is designed to spur economic development without any physical construction. “My goal is to foster a business culture, so that Aspen is the nexus for uphill research and development,” Skadron says.
The Professor of Powder: Jim Steenburgh skis and forecasts the Greatest Snow on Earth

For the past 20 years, Jim Steenburgh has had two things on his mind—meteorology and ski touring. After receiving his PhD from the University of Washington in 1995, Steenburgh took his interest in mountain weather and climate to the University of Utah’s Atmospheric Sciences Department—where he is now a professor—and into the Wasatch Mountains. “Having weather eyes can be pretty useful in the backcountry,” Steenburgh says. “And I see so much stuff when I’m out ski touring that I don’t understand. It helps plant seeds for future research projects.”