Testers’ Choice: DPS Wailer 99

Marla Bailey [Photo] Alden Pellett

Marla Bailey [Photo] Alden Pellett

Marla “Cookie” Bailey
5’8”, 118 lbs.
Steamboat Springs, CO

A five-year ski tester, Marla has teled exclusively for 12 years since her start in Winter Park’s “No Pain, No Jane” bumps. She enjoys skiing what she calls “balls-deep powder, knee-deep powder and piles of powder from other people’s knees or balls.” Her pick of the test? The DPS Wailer 99.

Overall Score: 7/10
Best For: Lift-Accessed Touring, Straight-Up Touring
Best Speed: Medium to Fast
Responsiveness: 6/10
Playfulness: 9/10
Dampness: 6/10

Turn Performance
Short Turns: 6/10
Medium Turns: 8/10
Long Turns: 7/10
Turn Initiation: 8/10

Crud Performance: 5/10
Powder Performance: 8/10
Hard-Snow Performance: 6/10

Comments: “The Wailer 99 is a dreamboat cruise in powder. Surf-like, effortless turns when in its niche environment can make a hero out of anyone. The Cadillac of the bunch, the Wailer 99 is so much smoother and damper than the other carbon bodels on the market.”

$1,249 (PURE) – $799 (HYBRID) – DPSSKIS.COM
SIZES (cm): 168, 176, 184, 192
DIMENSIONS (mm): 125/99/111
WEIGHT/PAIR: 6 lbs. 8 oz. (184)


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