Skintrack Sketches: Evan Chismark pens a vision of community, environment and stoke

This week in Skintrack Sketches, we take a look at the artwork of 39-year-old Vermont-based artist Evan Chismark, who has been documenting his surroundings since before he can remember. His work is often a depiction of the natural haunts he visits while mountain biking and snowboarding, and he strives to integrate a community element into many of his pieces with the hopes of sharing and growing support for the recreations and environments he loves. We caught up with him to learn more about how he brings these elements together in his pen and ink drawings. Here’s what he had to say.

Skintrack Sketches: Painter Rachel Pohl talks balancing reality and the conceptual in the mountains

In the backcountry world, photographs often steal the limelight when it comes to artistic representations of winter. So, in an attempt to broaden our creative horizons, we’re speaking this fall with artists working in a wide spectrum of mediums about how they integrate their love for mountains into their art.
