Kt Miller was more or less born on skis. “My dad skied like 100 days a year, so he started putting me in a backpack when I was a baby,” the 25-year-old Cooke City, Mont. resident says. “I think I’ve been skiing since I was two.” That early outdoor immersion resulted in a livelihood based […]
That Girl: Kt Miller integrates adventure and conservation for a new take on ski photography
Snow Shooter: Blake Jorgenson

Photographer Blake Jorgenson has been taking photos for a long time—before the era of digital, when the average kid still knew Fujifilm was a photography company and didn’t assume it was just a movie about the tropics. His experience has given him a perspective on communication and what it means to be an artist. We […]
Snow Shooter: Jason Hummel

Photographer Jason Hummel and his twin brother, Josh, have a ski streak lasting 203 months. This means Jason and his brother, age 36, have been skiing every month since they were teenagers. While this is an impressive feat, it is just one of Jason’s many achievements. We learned of other feats and mishaps in a […]
Snow Shooter: Mason Mashon

Before taking photos, Mason Mashon was into mountain bike competition. But he switched his focus from being in front of the lens to behind it—a change that, he says, allows him to understand the athlete’s perspective when shooting. We caught up with the Whistler, B.C. based photographer to talk about his pivot from athlete to cameraman and his need to pack everything but the kitchen sink when he goes to shoots.
Snow Shooter: Adam Barker

It is understandable why photographer Adam Barker is a homebody—his backyard is Utah’s Wasatch Mountains. Though travel is an inherent part of his job, he loves Salt Lake City, living with his wife and three sons a stone’s throw from the Little Cottonwood Canyon backcountry.
Snow Shooter: Yves Garneau

Photographer Yves Garneau lives high in the Swiss Alps where he shoots skiers for fun and home interiors for a living. His path has been relatively traditional, picking up a camera in the days of film and later transitioning to the world of digital and postproduction effects. Garneau has had a smooth career accept for one detail—he almost had to serve a year in an Italian prison for taking a photograph.
Snow Shooter: Ian Coble

Seattle-based photographer Ian Coble is always in search of new challenges, never content with sitting by and letting his career take its course. Coble likes to explore new genres and compositional styles, and his dynamic eye shows through in his diverse body of work.
Snow Shooter: Ryan Creary

Finding the right place to call home is what brought photographer Ryan Creary from coastal New Brunswck to the mountains of interior British Columbia where he now calls home. He believes it is important to stay “centered” and “balanced,” and living and shooting in Revelstoke has helped him on his path to equanimity in art and life. We talked with Creary to find out more about his commitment to life’s Feng Shui.
Snow Shooter: Jeff Cricco

The backcountry can be a dangerous place for athletes and photographers alike. Jeff Cricco stays behind the lens, but he thinks about safety every time he ventures into snowy landscapes. While he was home in West Vail, we caught up with Cricco to talk snow safety and learn how he deals with the stress of putting himself on the line for his job.
Snow Shooter: Louis Arevalo

There are people who believe that taking a photo of someone is a way of capturing his or her soul. Photographer Louis Arevalo believes it’s no easy thing to capture the essence of a person or place, but he works hard to achieve this, and while his intensions are not ghoulish in nature, he tries to use photography to convey a deeper meaning.
We talked with Arevalo to discover more about his passion for certain photographic genres and how his action photography and portraiture each present advantages and challenges.