A Washington-based group dreams of creating a hut system. But will bureaucracy get the best of them?

Springtime in Wenatchee, Washington is a blaze of white. The town, considered the apple capital of the world, sits an hour southeast of Stevens Pass on Highway 2. In April, the drive is a blur of blossoms. But now that I’m up a little higher—sitting next to a woodstove recently lit for the first time […]

Photographer Adam Clark tracks the sun

Salt Lake City’s Adam Clark knows that it pays to be patient, even if it takes two weeks to learn how the sun tracks across a certain slope so that he knows his subject will swoop in at the exact right moment.

At Hudson Bay Mountain, off-the-grid cabins offer a fast track to the Smithers Backcountry

Comprised of four dominant peaks and cradling two large glaciers, Hudson Bay Mountain is monolithic against the Smithers skyline. The northernmost peak is the tallest, offering 1,200 meters of vertical relief from summit to valley. The mountain got its name from the Hudson’s Bay Company that oversaw many railways and ports across Canada in the 18th and 19th centuries.

Photographer Oskar Enander isn’t afraid of the dark

For photographer Oskar Enander, getting the shot is all about timing. If the sun isn’t in the exact spot on the horizon, shadows don’t form in the right places.

Jeff Cricco takes perfect pow shot, everyone quits to go skiing

Getting pitted makes even the grumpiest curmudgeon happy, and when deep powder is combined with cobalt blue skies, it is hard to think of an activity that is more mood-lifting than shredding through an untouched field of snow.

Laura Hadar Strives for Female Splitboard 14er Record

After climbing and riding the 14,000-foot Castle Peak in the spring of 2016, Hadar embraced the challenge of becoming the first female splitboarder to ride all of Colorado’s 14ers. Since then, Hadar and Anastas have tackled 21 peaks, with 37 remaining.

Photographer Zoya Lynch dives in to the ethereal

Zoya Lynch of Revelstoke, B.C. is drawn to the etherial qualities of winter. Sunbursts and halos grace many shots, and her images bring a more conceptual quality to her backcountry photography.

Bonanza Flats conservation marks win for Wasatch Backcountry Alliance

“This was a true collective effort, and it could not have happened if the nonprofit community had not rallied around it. We are thrilled that this land will be kept open to the public so that people can ski, hike, bike and enjoy the beauty of Bonanza Flats rather than have it developed into more mega-mansions.”

Jason Hummel captures Mt. Baker’s Golden Hour

Bellingham, Wash. resident Jason Hummel spends most of his time in the nearby Cascade and Olympic Mountains, where his love of ski-mountaineering often takes him to the slopes of Mt. Baker. There, he navigates and photographs the long approaches, glaciers, and complex avalanche terrain in hopes of doing this rugged landscape justice.

A Brand Evolution: Jason Levinthal and Matt Sterbenz talk partnerships and the future of 4FRNT

In a press release on June 27, 4FRNT Skis announced its acquisition by ski startup icon Jason Levinthal, owner of J Skis and founder of LINE skis and Full Tilt boots. In the press release, 4FRNT brand founder, Matt Sterbenz described his excitement for the evolution of his business and how he and Levinthal plan to work together to develop an even stronger presence for 4FRNT.
