Mountain Skills: Digging doesn’t need to be the pits

Analyzing snowpack starts before you leave for a tour and only ends when you’re safely back home. After reading the morning’s forecast, digging a snow pit in the field can better enhance your understanding of they day’s snow stability. But without a process for gathering and implementing upon the information pits present, digging and analyzing a pit’s layers can be tedious. Here are a few tips to streamline the process, so you can gather information in a timely and informative manner.

Far Out: Macedonia’s turns and tunes

The Photo Annual is on the newsstands, and across the U.S., winter is gearing up. To keep that stoke rolling, we present “Far Out,” a new web series where some of our contributing photographers share their wildest and most remote adventures.

Mountain Skills: Social Media vs. Snow Safety

Given the prevalence of social media in our lives, it can be difficult to filter out the good information from the bad, and it’s important to remember that social media is a small snapshot of a greater picture. While there can be negative consequences from reacting to this medium, there are also positive takeaways. Here is how to use it to your advantage in the backcountry.

Snowpack List: Avalanche assessments from around the U.S.: Week of December 4

With heavy snowfall and high rates of early season stoke across the U.S., skiers and riders are more than motivated to get out and explore. And though it’s easy to get excited about a good start to the season, it’s important to remember that avalanches pay no heed to calendar dates.

Across the Olympic Mountains: photographer Jason Hummel’s attempt to ski all of Washington’s named glaciers

At heart, photographer Jason Hummel is a homebody. While the long-time contributor for Backcountry Magazine often travels globally, snapping shots of distant mountain ranges and athletic feats, his biggest project of late has been shooting and skimo-ing through his Washington home state’s mountain ranges.

Access Denied: New UDOT restrictions stir frustration in Little Cottonwood Canyon

On Monday, the Utah Department of Transportation (UDOT) announced a new set of closure restrictions for Little Cottonwood Canyon and SR 210, the route that accesses Alta Ski Area and Snowbird Resort, as well as many go-to backcountry zones for Salt Lake City residents. The Utah Avalanche Center (UAC) reported the new restrictions on their website and explained that, due to user conflicts, the comprehensive closure of all backcountry zones the night before any planned UDOT avalanche control measures.

Mountain Skills: Good, Better, Beacon Practice

We all know we should practice avalanche rescue more, but making it happen can be a sizable hurdle. Sometimes we try to bust out a couple laps in “search mode” at the beginning of the season to dust off the cobwebs. Other times, we’re lucky enough to have access to a beacon park at the local resort, presenting a chance to practice our skill set before heading to more dangerous terrain.

Free to ski: In film “Liberarsi” four Italian stallions ski big lines every damn weekend

We have all seen our fair share of ski flicks, but it’s especially inspiring when a film documents the achievements of everyday skiers and riders, not just the pros. And Liberarsi, a film out today, looks to achieve this regular guy/gal feel.

Backcountry Bulletin: December 2016

Mountain ranges across the U.S. are starting to look the part of winter, and as the 2016/17 season begins to unfold, it’s time brush up on avy awareness and start celebrating the backcountry community. To do so, we’ve listed regional events that focus on educational talks, film screenings, fundraising benefits and early-season races to get you geared up for the coming months.

Mountain Skills: Understanding Alpha Angles

Picture this: You’re skiing across low angle terrain, but need to traverse below a steep open face with no cover. Your avalanche awareness bells start chiming, “Danger!” so you decide to ski out of your way to remain clear of the possible slide path. But there are no trees around to give clues about where you’ll be safe if it slides. So how far is “far enough” from the suspect slope?
