Biff America: On Crack

Jeffery Bergeron, under the alias of Biff America, is a monthly columnist for BCM. Biff provides anecdotes about some of our favorite things: beer, sex and skiing.

Snow Shooter: Bruno Long

Put Bruno Long in Rogers Pass (his favorite place to shoot and ski), and all he needs is a camera and a pair of skis to be happy. Long’s biggest weakness? Being so obsessed with photography that, he says, his friends tell him, “Dude, you’ve got to lay off. You’ve got to shut your brain off.”

GoPro Goes Public, Gregory Sells for $85 Mil, Heady Topper on the Move

In the news now, GoPro sells 17.8 million shares on its first day at a high of $24 a pop, Black Diamond offloads Gregory for a cool $85 million and Heady Topper awaits a hearing regarding their intended move to Stowe, Vt.

Summer Stashes: Flattop Mountain

It’s July. You’re fighting the realization that winter is over. But if you’re strong willed and work for it, you can find skiing all year round (without blowing you savings on a ski trip to South America).

Throwback Thursday: The Premier Issue

No matter how many GoPro Xtreme YouTube videos you watch this week at work, you’ll never find something as effortlessly cool as the good looks and badass hop turns the ’90s brought us.

Reasons to Ski Powder

Powder is to skiing as good beer is to tailgating—what’s the point of having one without the other?

Biff America: On Viagra and Skiing

Jeffery Bergeron, under the alias of Biff America, is a monthly columnist for BCM. Biff provides anecdotes about some of our favorite things: beer, sex and skiing.

Snow Shooter: Photographer Cody Downard

Having grown up in Kansas, Cody Downard loves mountains like only those once deprived of them can. We caught Downard in between shoots for advice on photos and life. His suggestion to guys in their 20s? Get a Pomeranian.

Summer Stashes: Little Tahoma

It’s July. You’re fighting the realization that winter is over. You’re probably mountain biking, twiddling your thumbs, questioning if it’s smart to watch a ski movie to gear up for next year. The Xs are already on the calendar counting down the days. But if you’re strong willed and work for it, you can find […]

Throwback Thursday: No Training Heels

Rossignol: Emphasizing the benefits of tele for free-heelers everywhere since 1907.
