The Snow Pro: Avalanche forecaster Drew Hardesty sets his intentions for success

Drew Hardesty is a long-time forecaster with the Utah Avalanche Center and climbing ranger in Grand Teton National Park. Here, he muses on how setting the right goals and intentions for the day will help define safety parameters for any objective.

The Snow Pro: Donny Roth talks risk, communication and guiding around the world

AMGA guide Donny Roth, from Crested Butte, Colo., spends his time guiding throughout the Elk Mountains during winter before heading to the Southern Hemisphere to guide on Chile’s volcanoes for the other half of the year with his company, Chile Powder Adventures.

Mountain Skills: How a rescue sled can save the day

The final stage in a rescue is often overlooked during traditional avalanche courses: how do you get someone out of the backcountry who is unable to ski? Many people often fall back on the hope for a heli evacuation, but bad cell service, inclement weather and difficult terrain can make this impossible. When this is the case, you’re going to need to make a sled. 

Photographer Profile: Brian Mohr talks East Coast winters and family

Brian Mohr, of Moretown, Vermont, talks about the role home, family and community have in his artistic pursuits.

How the climbing app Rakkup could provide backcountry skiers with fast, mobile guidebook access

Exploring new territory often requires finding a source for good beta. Maps, routes and terrain intricacies all present questions that even local experts need at times. And with modern technology, there are a number of resources available to help make the process easier. But it can be tricky to wade through the abundance of digital observation data and the latest avalanche apps.

Photographer Profile: Guy Fattal finds inspiration at home and in the mountains

I am originally from Israel, so I didn’t grow up skiing, but my love for photography and the mountains has led me to travel all around the world chasing snow and photos. But, really, the place that inspires me the most is Israel. I used to just enjoy shooting markets and colors and streets—the warm vibe of Israel.

Mountain Skills: Use a checklist to facilitate better decisions

If you’ve taken an avalanche class recently, you may have heard the quote, “The world of snow and avalanches is a wicked learning environment.”

Photographer Profile: Bruno Long’s in the right place at the right time

In the 2018 Photo Annual, we’ve asked seven photographers to dish on the inspiration behind a favorite photo of their choosing. These featured photographers capture the landscapes, community and emotion that that evoke the untracked experience, from dawn’s light to skintracks cutting across a blank white canvas.

Raffles, Beer and Knowledge: A Snow and Avalanche Workshop Built for the East

The 7th annual Eastern Snow and Avalanche Workshop, held in Fryeburg, Maine on Nov. 11, is an event that’s grown from being held in a small room of metal folding chairs to one that fills out the elegant, 375-capacity Leura Hill Eastman Performing Arts Center.

Backcountry Events Bulletin: December 2017

Some Decembers bring deep snow, some stay on the dry side, but no matter what’s falling out of the sky, this month is a festive time to hang with friends at local bc events and brush up on avy education for the coming season. Here’s a list of fun and informative affairs around the U.S.
